The human brain is a wonderful, mysterious part of the human experience. There are those in life that are born with a brain that seems to function much better in terms of what helps one succeed. Some have great abilities in the areas of creativity, understanding and memory. Society is finally accepting that the idea of one's ability to have a great functioning brain is not limited to the natural giftedness or lack there of that each of us is born with. We now have the opportunity to make the most of our brains, much like one is able to push the limits of the physical body and see amazing muscular responses. With the right techniques, and some practice pushing the resistance points, the human brain can grow in its "strength" to yet unseen proportions.

Science has studied the brain and many top Ph.D. teachers and researchers cannot agree on the maximum potential of information the brain is able to hold. To many this seems so foreign and overwhelming, but I would say to all those that read these pages that this is the opportunity that you may have been waiting for your whole life. It would seem that the brain has virtually an unlimited ability to store information, and we are now starting to come into possession of techniques that allow us to better exercise the brain and its wonderful abilities. If we put in some work upfront, as all great stories have in their beginning, the potential to make your life better is almost a certainty, and what if it is your brain that with a little practice comes up with the greatest idea or invention the world has ever seen.